Advocating for the Rights of the Elderly through network HUMANAS

HumanaS is a network of humanitarian organizations and humanitarian associations which advocate the needs and the rights of the elderly. It was created on the initiative of the Serbian Red Cross in 2004. The Network includes 16 organizations or associations, including Bread of Life.
Bread of Life is a member of the network HumanaS since 2005. From that time BOL has actively participated in achieving the Network’s goals through participation in research, focus groups, round tables, seminars, forums and in honouring of important dates relating to the elderly. We have prompted and suggested to the HumanaS network to take a more active role in responding to the requests and recommendations of the Dementia Network regarding the problem of dementia. This is in order to establish a register of people with dementia, provide support for the families of people with dementia, initiate the opening of a day care centre for people with dementia, and provide free diapers.
Goals of the network Humanas:
- Advocating for the rights of the elderly with relevant institutions, authorities and the media;
- Resolving challenges and suggesting solutions for identified problems through cooperation within the network, by means of coordinated actions, programmes and joint projects;
- Motivating the elderly to be more active socially and in community, and in solving their problems and challenges.

Members of the HumanaS network participate in the national research, in forums, in taking care of, and honouring of all important dates related to the elderly and aging, representing the rights of its users, participating in humanitarian activities and initiating the changes in the legal framework within the relevant municipal institutions.
Professional care givers from "Bread of Life", together with seniors who actively participate in the project for the care of the elderly, have, in the past period, contributed to the work of the HumanaS network through the following activities:
- Participation in the regional projects "Initiative for Social Inclusion of the Elderly" through the implementation of the sub-project "Support for Senior Activism through the Development of Entrepreneurial Activities for Seniors in the creative workshops of the Daily Center of Bread of Life".
- Honoring important dates such as Senior Days, International Women's Day, International Day of Seniors, October 1, etc. Also through events where the elderly can address their community - visit to bazaars and markets, presenting the work of network members and organizing social activities for the elderly.
- Motivating elderly to take part in different researches projects of the Network such as: “The role of family and institutions in improving the quality of life and intergenerational cooperation“, organizing and motivating seniors to participate in a survey in the municipality of Vracar on „Aging in cities, the challenge of the modern society in 2018“ Motivating and organizing seniors form Bread of Life in Obrenovac to take a survey on „The oppurtunities the elderly have in rural areas“.
- Participation in 3 different studies, during Covid 19 pandemic, through surveys of the elderly:
„Monitoring of risk factors during the COVID-19 pandemic for the health of informal carers in Rebulic of Serbia“.
„Assessment of the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the rights and opportunities of the elderly“
„Empowerment of the elderly women and prevention of abuse through changes in social norms in Serbia and Austria“. - Conferences, forums, round tables and meetings such as:
Round table entitled "Intergenerational solidarity and understanding”;
Conference entitled “Intergenerational solidarity between the family and the state”;
press conference on the project “Aging and Digital Inclusion“ - Humanitarian aid during the COVID-19 pandemic: Within humanitarian aid project of the HumanaS network intended for financially challenged elderly who were affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, "Bread of Life" distributed 50 food packages and 50 hygiene packages for the most vulnerable.