
Resocialization of former addicts


The project was active in: 2010 - 2018

Resocialization or inclusion in society is one of the most important steps in the process of recovery for an addict, and a prerequisite for freedom from addiction and independent living and working. Unfortunately this fact is often overlooked.

Bread of Life accepted the challenge of helping former addicts who came from the Christian rehabilitation centres "Reto" and "Remar", and who asked for help in the process of reintegration into society. The initiative to support former addicts began in 2009 through contacts with the rehabilitation centres.

Bread of Life provided selfless support to about 60 former addicts who went through the rehabilitation process. BOL also invested funds to strengthen the capacity of the organization "Izlazak" with the aim of establishing a functional structure and approach to ministry, defining areas of work, starting their economic activities, and forming a network of partners.

At the initiative of the former addicts themselves, the association "Izlazak" was founded with the aim of providing support for former addicts. "Izlazak" is a non-profit organization founded with the intention of helping those caught up in a drug problem. Using personal experience, members try to help everyone who wants to understand the problems and consequences of drug addiction. In the "Izlazak",organization volunteers endeavour to motivate addicts to go to a rehabilitation centre, while at the same time providing support for their families. They also help former addicts who want to start a new life after rehabilitation.

Bread of Life has defined the following areas of support for former addicts:

  • Support in the resocialization of former addicts and in their ability to acquire work skills

The support of former addicts included helping them to re-establish a functional relationship with their family members; helping them apply to the labour office or in the search for a job; helping them sign up and attend courses, and complete their education which would make their CVs more competitive; finding volunteering jobs of interest; helping them acquire support from those who have already gone through the programme. The strengthening of emotional stabilization and spiritual enrichment was also provided.

After opening a second-hand goods store, Bread of Life trained former addicts to work in a warehouse, preparing and selling goods, and employed those who successfully completed the training process. Training for caregivers was also provided for girls, former addicts, and those who successfully completed the training were afterwards employed in the comprehensive Care for the Elderly programme implemented by Bread of Life.

Bread of Life employed about 15 former addicts through its programmes and economic activities, and the rest received support through the process of training for work and other types of assistance within the resocialization programme.

  • Support for the development of "Izlazak", the association of former addicts

With the support of Bread of Life and donors, the "Izlazak" organization registered an economic activity for moving/relocation services in March 2013, and a small shop for the sale of used furniture in 2016, thus starting to work independently in the process of resocialization of former addicts.

The support of Bread of Life in the resocialization of addicts lasted until 2018.

Bread of Life gained extremely valuable experience and knowledge through this project and work on the resocialization of former addicts, which may prove useful in the future.

Bread of Life managed to engage the attention of German donor Hilfe für bruder which entered partnership with the "Izlazak" organization and supported their development.

In addition, Bread of Life and "Izlazak" organizations received very valuable consulting assistance from two organizations from Germany which have great experience in working with drug addicts. These were the clinic Diakonie-Krankenhaus Harz in Elbingerode and the Neues Land from Hanover.

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